To activate a safe deposit box, just enter your account ID details. Weople will do the rest for you, and request your data from the current controller.
You can immediately deposit data from your social media accounts, records of purchases made with personal loyalty cards, online purchases made on e-commerce accounts and data held by Google and Apple. But that’s just the start! From this autumn there will be more news and surprises!
Data is stored in a vault, masked and anonymised, and protected by the most advanced security measures.
When you activate a safe deposit box, it initiates the process of obtaining a copy of your digital data. Weople acts on your behalf to request the data from the current controller, and informs you as soon as it becomes available. What’s more, you can monitor the status of this process at any time via the app.
To start with, the safe deposit box is grey, empty and ready to be activated. Once it’s activated - in other words, your personal account entered, the edges of the box will turn blue, but the data is pending and Weople will request it from the current controller. When the data comes in, the box will turn blue and your real investment will begin.
You can use Weople as a digital wallet for your accounts and loyalty cards. For example, it’s easy to access the barcode of your loyalty card and use it when you make a purchase.
You don’t have to spend anything or invest money. It’s purely a matter of benefiting from the value of our data, which until recently we didn’t know it had, and which was exploited by others. Weople is actually a bank, but unlike a bank, it gives its account holders up to 90% of the value generated by their data.
The more you invest, more Wecoins you collect and higher your level will be, increasing your chances of monetary reward, becoming attractive to a greater number of firms and taking part in more prize draws.
Weople adds to your piggy bank the money firms pay to send you advertising and/or personalised offers of goods or services. The value in euros will be made available to you via digital payment systems to be spent as you like.
Here you can explore as much as you like about the personalised offers sent to you by firms. The offers are conveyed directly by Weople, rigorously protecting your anonymity and your personal profile. The more data you invest, the easier it is for Weople to invite more firms to send messages to people like you.
Here Weople creates additional value by investing blocks of protected and anonymous data on the market. The value generated by the block as a whole is used to buy prizes, which are distributed to the greatest possible number of people by means of prize draws all year round.
Every day in the “My interests” area, you can receive and view useful information, news and personalised messages selected by Weople on the basis of your interests.
Today you have the right to request a copy of your data from anyone who holds it, and to transfer it wherever you choose. With Weople, you can take back possession of all your data, deposit and invest it in your personal bank vault and access it whenever you want.
Regardless of the fact that you may have consented at some point to the processing of your personal data, and - perhaps unknowingly - also agreed to allow a firm to transfer your data to a third party, in the “Activate your rights” area you can choose to suspend or withdraw your consent, freely and consciously. Weople will take care of transmitting your request.
Weople is here to help you exercise your rights, by conveying your request to firms you choose to approach, and informing you when your request is successful. In addition to the functions already available on the platform, Weople is working to include other rights.
Despite the new laws to protect individuals, the system needs to adjust, and Weople has a difficult task, at least at first: it will take time. Weople has to push, break down resistance, cite the law and find the best ways to systematically bring the data into your account and exercise your rights. And this is another reason to join together with Weople, because more people have more power to apply pressure, to be duly heard and really be able to get our rights respected.